
Ahad, Jun 24, 2012


Fuh!!! Hebat penangan Si Anak Emas Ketua Penipu ni rupanya. Masih tak puas lagi orang dok balun dia dalam bahasa Malaysia. Sekarang, kena pulak dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Al - Maklum saja la. Si Nurul Izzah ni pun ada lagak dia jugak. Dia mana nak layan kalau kita tulis dengan bahasa Kebangsaan. Dia kan Anti Kebangsaan macam Papa dia.

Jadi, memang patut sangat la isu ini dibogelkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Biar semua orang tahu termasuk yang duduk kat luar Negara bahawa hakikatnya Si Nurul Izzah ni Kaki Penipu!!! Dia bukan reti buat kerja lain!!! Asyik menipu tu je la kerja dia pun!!!
Lembah Pantai MP AND PKR Vice President Nurul Izzah Anwar’s defective radar systems and poor information gathering about to land her in the same spot she continuously gets herself over and over again into; her foot in her poisonous big mouth. Together, rogue news portal Malaysiakini which perpetuated Nurul’s lies.

Her charge that Advanced Air Traffic System Sdn. Bhd. (AAT) is the joint venture company between Selex Sistemi Integrati SpA (SELEX) and Tirai Variasi Sdn. Bhd. is defective. 
She also claimed that AAT secured a RM 128 million or Euro 26 million contract for SELEX via direct negotiations, which  is not true either. SELEX did get the RM128.4 million contract was awarded by the Federal Government to SELEX in 2009 and not to AAT as reported.

SELEX was the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for the original system that was installed in 1994. This project is an upgraded project and therefore needed to use the same system and the same OEM. 
The RM128.4 million contract was not solely to install Air Traffic Control system in Subang.  The contract is for upgrading works for radar and system covering many airports in Semenanjung Malaysia and airports in Sabah and Sarawak. AAT was one of many Malaysian vendors supporting this project.

In a statement of clarification, AAT was never involved in the contract negotiation between SELEX and Federal Government. AAT’s role is to provide installation works and technical assistance for the project. 
The value of AAT’s contract is approximately RM9 million over 3 years period from 2009 to 2012, which effectively is RM 3 million per annum. - Need to read more? Click Here...

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Ruangan Komen ini terpaksa dimoderatekan kerana terdapat komen yang tidak berkaitan seperti 'Perkhidmatan Ghaib' yang ditawarkan oleh mereka yang cuba mengambil kesempatan.

Pembaca boleh meninggalkan komen asalkan ianya tidak melanggar Akta SKMM. Namun perlu diingatkan, sebarang komen yang ditinggalkan adalah tanggungjawab pembaca sendiri dan ianya tidak ada kaitan dengan admin blog ini.

Sekian, Terima Kasih.