Selasa, Ogos 10, 2010

Assalamualaikum dan Salam 1Malaysia.

Blog written by Tun Dr. Mahathir for Malay's especially to ponder upon:

The Chinese cannot gain more political power in this country until the Malays achieve a fair share of the economic stake, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said.

In a post titled 'To Be Or Not To Be Racist' on his blog Tuesday, the former prime minister wrote that the Barisan Nasional government would not give higher positions to the Chinese as the Malays had not achieved adequate control of the nation's economy.

"In the political field, the Malays appear to be in control. Most of the high posts, ie. PM, MB, etc, are held by the Malays. If these posts are held by the Chinese, then not only will the economy be under Chinese control but the political arena would also be under the Chinese.

"What will the Malay stake be in the country?" he asked.

And to think hard about it, that's nearly true. For more than 40 years since 1969 when he first wrote Malay Dilemma, Tun have describe verbally about Malays economic situation. But until now, all Malays keep pushing and hanging on for Government Subsidy.

Although not all, but still the laymen in the Malays community only looked forward to work as a government officer or employee. Seldom do we hear they would like to venture in Business and become entrepreneur them self. And hence, we were left far behind and separate even bigger in economic sector by the non Malays.

Think about it.


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Ruangan Komen ini terpaksa dimoderatekan kerana terdapat komen yang tidak berkaitan seperti 'Perkhidmatan Ghaib' yang ditawarkan oleh mereka yang cuba mengambil kesempatan.

Pembaca boleh meninggalkan komen asalkan ianya tidak melanggar Akta SKMM. Namun perlu diingatkan, sebarang komen yang ditinggalkan adalah tanggungjawab pembaca sendiri dan ianya tidak ada kaitan dengan admin blog ini.

Sekian, Terima Kasih.


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Sekian, terima kasih.
