Jumaat, Disember 17, 2010

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1Malaysia.

Most intrigue for some of us when watching MP's acting like a monkey in the zoo cause by the Oppositions.

It cause a chaos like they usually do without knowing the boundaries like they used to do on the streets.

But how, where, when and what that cause this ruckus to happen? Where did this all begins? Below are some of the question about how did the incident accrued:

(1) Why must Anwar be referred to Parliament Rights and Privileges Committee (PRPC)?
He was referred to PRPC because the government felt that he was intentionally misleading the House when he said “1999 Satu Israel. 2009 APCO menasihati Perdana Menteri Dato Sri Mohd Najib, 1Malaysia” in his speech in parliament because the statement alleged that 1Malaysia concept was mooted by APCO.
(2) Isn’t possible he was not doing it intentionally?
No because he was given a chance to clarify and proof in Parliament within one week (refer to hansard 30 March 2010). If he felt that was not what he meant and offered his apology, the issue could have been resolved then and there. Most probably House would accept his explanantion.
(3) Did he provide proofs of his allegation when he was given the chance to clarify on 30 March 2010?
No. Instead of providing proofs that 1Malaysia concept was mooted by APCO, he went on and on talking about other issues which were not relevant to the allegation. He even mistakenly equated APCO Worldwide (international communication consultant firm) with APCO (American Protocol Communication Outfit), a walkie talkie communication system which was used by Polis DiRaja Malaysia and claimed that Israelis were inflitrating Bukit Aman!
(4) Did he apologize?
No. If he did, the issue would have been resolved and was no longer neccesary to be referred to PRPC.
(5) Why so sensitive about Israel anyway? So what if Anwar said that!
I think we have to put it into right persepective. Israel is one issue which is considered highly sensitive in Malaysia. What more when someone try to insinuate that 1Malaysia concept, which is one the main cornerstones of Dato Sri Najib’s policy, was mooted by an alleged Israeli connected communication consultant company in the name of APCO.
If we look at our passports, the only country that Malaysian paspport cannot be used is Israel. Such is the sensitivity of the nation on Israel. It is deeply engrained in our national psyche.

For the rest of the question, please refer and click here.

So as we all can see, it all begin with Anwar Ibrahim. The only question that remain is, Can we or can we not say Anwar is the center of problems in Malaysia?

And the only way to solve this problematic, egomaniac, selfish person is to get him out of Malaysia as fast as we can or reject him as a leader. Maybe by then, Malaysian can live in peace and harmony yet again. Wallahualam.

Fikir - fikirkan lah.


Catat Ulasan

Baca cerita lanjut di http://semuthitam80.blogspot.com

Ruangan Komen ini terpaksa dimoderatekan kerana terdapat komen yang tidak berkaitan seperti 'Perkhidmatan Ghaib' yang ditawarkan oleh mereka yang cuba mengambil kesempatan.

Pembaca boleh meninggalkan komen asalkan ianya tidak melanggar Akta SKMM. Namun perlu diingatkan, sebarang komen yang ditinggalkan adalah tanggungjawab pembaca sendiri dan ianya tidak ada kaitan dengan admin blog ini.

Sekian, Terima Kasih.


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