Jumaat, September 24, 2010

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1Malaysia.

Where did it go wrong? That was the question asked by a few towards me about a day ago. To view the fact that during 1960s and 70s, Malay Political power were doing great. They were at the peeks of their fight for freedom since the Merdeka.
Even the National Economic Plan was accepted with open heart by all races. Although the main concern of NEPs during the period was to help the Malays to break boundaries in their own livelihood. So the Premier, Tun Abdul Razak opened FELDA’s area and new settlement for them to start on a new leaf. The idea was to create new breed among the Malays that can stand on their own feet.
Even with that, the Malay seems to have failed yet again. Until now, we Malays still depend on the government to help us out. How many of us used the opportunity given by NEPs to the fullest? Only those who were among the ‘Opportunist’ take took it. Still, some of them have turn their backs on the government and accusing that the NEPs have failed to help the Malays. What a nerve!
Yet, the questions still stand. Where did it go wrong? Was it people and the Malays who did not participate in the NEPs? Or was it the government who failed to change the mindset of the people and open the door for them to new opportunity? Wallahualam.
Think about it.

1 ulasan:

  1. If the target is to achieve certain percentage of the economic pie, it will never be achieved if the manufacturing, trading and supplying sectors are not taken into considerations and be totally liberated from monopolistic practices.


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Ruangan Komen ini terpaksa dimoderatekan kerana terdapat komen yang tidak berkaitan seperti 'Perkhidmatan Ghaib' yang ditawarkan oleh mereka yang cuba mengambil kesempatan.

Pembaca boleh meninggalkan komen asalkan ianya tidak melanggar Akta SKMM. Namun perlu diingatkan, sebarang komen yang ditinggalkan adalah tanggungjawab pembaca sendiri dan ianya tidak ada kaitan dengan admin blog ini.

Sekian, Terima Kasih.


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